
10 Week Hatch Day Update: Nettie

10 Week Hatch Day Update: Nettie

Despite being Chickie #6, Nettie proves that birth order doesn't mean squat in the world of chickens. Independent, feisty, and adventurous Nettie explores the coop fearlessly, even when everyone else has retired to the hut to roost scrounging for any missed meal worms and blades of grass just within reach. She is often the last one to peak out of the hut at night, even after Vera or Mae round her up.

Nettie was nearly favorite of the niece and nephews when she was a palm-sized fluffy chick, but she has certainly grown into her big chickie feathers! Not entirely a wild one, she loves to perch on the branch in the coop and relax on hot days. She also loves to feast on strawberry tops and anything green we put in the coop. 

On free-range days Nettie loves to run through the garden and nibble at Chickie Mama's plants. In fact, in spite of being the youngest she was the first of the cohort to discover and devour fresh greens, though that was spinach, not the more common glasses and romaine lettuce they enjoy now. She also loves her blondie sister Amelia and the two are often found together in the coop or in the hut on the roosting bar.  

At 10 weeks Ms. Nettie weighed in at 1lb 15oz. She is still on the small end of the group along with Amelia but has been growing nicely. She also would much rather be roaming the yard than be held by either Chickie Daddy or Chickie Mama.



Chicken People

Chicken People

10 Week Hatch Day Update: Ada

10 Week Hatch Day Update: Ada