
September's Summary

September's Summary

This month added first time layers Ada and Amelia, the A-Girls, to the production line! We also had the 100th egg laid; Miss Gerty had that honor. We also saw the 200th egg; Nettie was the proud layer of the milestone egg. We’ve also opened the coop to reveal a clutch of 6 pastel eggs waiting for us on more than one occasion.

Despite the Ladies of SoBro laying eggs daily it’s still a common sight to see us Chickie Parents texting back and forth about the footage we saw on the cameras keeping track of who laid and who still has time before the afternoon collection. Of course the egg song blasting through the speaker often catches a coworker off guard, but Chickie Momma’s employees are coming to expect at least 1 chicken story daily.

Mid September put the egg count at August’s numbers, and by sunset on the 30th we had 133 eggs laid for the month! The cartons are stacking up of the multicolored eggs waiting to be used or distributed to friends and family- so much so that now we are stamping the eggs with a date to ensure optimal freshness for whatever is being prepared.

Team OG: 41! Mae still likes taking Saturdays off, but after 6 consecutive days of laying adorable greenish blue eggs, we gladly let her rest up and calcium load. Amelia seems to like being the first or last layer, always checking out the nesting boxes before she decides it’s time. Although her eggs are small, round, and white her production has much flair, including a rather loud and long egg song for all to know she’s more than yard art. Despite her breed being not the strongest of layers, she’s keeping up with a strong showing of 15 eggs in her debut month.

Team Middles: 49! Brown speckled eggs and pink tinted eggs are spotted nearly daily in the divot in the straw. Our Middles, Gerty and Vera have both been laying for over a month and have it down pat. The bloom (color) on Gerty’s eggs seems to range daily which sounds like a science experiment- seeing if it’s an environmental factor adding those extra specks and rich color.

Team Littles: 43! Nettie is still Queen of the Nesting Box demanding no less than an hour in the bedding before her egg appears, and is quick to scoot any previously eggs under her. If any of girls have broody tendencies, she that one to watch out for. Ada still looks a little unsure about the whole concept but her mini torpedo shapped eggs are a welcomed variety to the mix. She laid 18 eggs during September, with  a delayed start so she’s living up to her species egg laying rates!

2018 Total Egg Count: 201

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Tour de Coops