
Celebrating 1st Hatch Days

As little Chickies came home two by two, the Chickie Parents kept establishing mini goals like “keeping them alive until they’re off the heat lamp” and “just getting them to the coop.” Well, 1 year with these silly (silly) girls in our lives and they’re all off heat, all out in the coop, and all laying many eggs a week. Not to brag, but our girls are overachievers and 5 egg days (83% production rate) are common. Their vibrant egg shells hold whites and yolks that are packed full of nutrients and so tasty.

Our Chickie Chicks are endless sources of entertainment and often the topic of our conversation. It’s amazing how many people out there have chickens, had chickens, want chickens, or have a story of someone they know with chickens.

For their 1st Hatch Day we opted to celebrate everyone on the same day with lots of grape treats and free range time! Little do they know that inside the Chickie Momma Coop holds their new sisters who will give them a run for their money!


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