
A Farewell to Ada

A Farewell to Ada

Chickens have become a therapy around our house for when work gets chaotic or a breathing break is required, but what happens when one of your chickens unexpectily falls ill and when you’re preparing to bring her home from the vet you get the call that she didn’t make it?

You ugly cry as the flock pauses from their spot in the yard to try to figure out what’s going on. You scoop up the chicken pecking at your boots for a hug and try to explain to her something she probably realized long before you made the vet appointment.

Our not so little Ada was one of our original 6. She and her blonde sisters, Amelia and Nettie were known as our Wildings often being the last to go roost for the night and often a challenge to get back into the coop. Ada loved treats and with her beautiful downy coat was quickly dubbed Butterball by her grandma given her much larger size than the others. Ada also was our original BroodieB and solidified for her Chickie Parents that chickens are the decedents of dinosaurs with the screeches we’d hear if the nesting box was opened while she sat on eggs. These eggs of course weren’t all her’s, but she’d curate a lovely collection daily with her clepto tendencies.

You’re missed so much Ada. The coop isn’t the same without your big presence and little squawks.

Ada Boron Butterball Fluffy Butt March 19, 2018 - December 6, 2019

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