
Summer to Winter

Summer to Winter

So much for the 4 seasons this year. We’ve somehow missed out on spring and now it appears that fall occurred over the course of 3 days. Sure leaves are on the ground, but that’s what will happen when a rain storm and strong winds come rolling into town and knock all the beautiful leaves to the ground. Don’t get too used to those vibrant gold and reds on the trees and in the gutters- the snow forecasted will cover it up in the early morning the day after Halloween.

With most of Cohort 1 showing signs of molting (some much more than others) and Cohort 2 wondering where the daylight hours are going all the Chickie Girls and their Momma are dreading what’s to come: short, cold, dreary days. Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago we made the decision to sell our surplus eggs? Now anything over 4 eggs being collected feels like a jackpot.

Trying to find some silver lining of the end to the growing season and the annual tear out of the garden, the girls got to frolick and share their gardening tips. Nettie and Posey are fabulous diggers, sending the mulch flying in the space behind them in search of insects or tender greens to devour.

A Farewell to Ada

A Farewell to Ada

Moving Day

Moving Day