
Meet Miss Amelia

Meet Miss Amelia

Amelia "Helium" Buff Laced Polish

Hatched 5 March 2018

Everyone warned us about "chicken math," but somehow with our science and math backgrounds we were foolish enough to think it wouldn't apply to us. Our chick reservations were spaced out and pickups all arranged, that is until we went to visit Mae prior to her official pick up. It was then that Chickie Daddy quickly realized we weren't leaving without chicks.

Amelia was our surprise chick so we could bring home Mae. No regrets. We had space for her in the coop. And seriously, have you ever seen a tub of 5 day old chicks? I dare you to walk away. Dare you. She a Polish variety, meaning she resembles both her Chickie Parents' hair in the morning, and even her Chickie Grandma realized it was meant to be, dubbing her Frou-Frou.

Little Amelia is still smaller than a few of her younger brooder mates, but what she lacks in size she more than makes up in attitude. Perhaps it's her head plumage that gives her the incessant "you lookin' at me?" stare, but she's always making you aware that she sees you. Her favorite activity is climbing out of the brooder via The Arm Highway, speeding her way up to chirp chirp in an ear. She's incredibly social and likes to greet the newest chickies as they emerge from the feed store container. Her latest trick is to flap her patchy (at best) feathered wings to take a short vertical launch off the ground; she has no fear of heights.


It's my 4 week hatch day? Does this mean I can fly solo now?






Chickie #3

Chickie #3

Meet Miss Mae

Meet Miss Mae