
Miss Nettie

Miss Nettie

Nettie "Carbon" Buff Orpington

Hatched 19 March 2018

Aside from the excitement that woke Chickie Daddy up early on a Saturday announcing it was "CHICKIE DAY!" hours before our girls would be available for pick up, it was a bitter sweet moment knowing this would be the last chirping box we brought home for a long while. Over the last year, this Chickie Momma had been incubating the idea of backyard chickens and finally got the supportive nudge from Chickie Daddy when presented a "starter kit" for Christmas.

Our final member of Chicken Cohort 1 is a fluffy classic yellow chick, that was brought home just in time for Easter. Although she won't remain yellow, there's no doubt that Nettie will remain our classic looking girl in the bunch as she matures into a fully feathered hen. She cautiously observes the activity around the brooder and then darts off to where she wants to be. Originally Amelia was her brooder buddy, our two blondies often were spotting snuggled up, but now she seems to enjoy Vera's company.

Chickie Sitting

Chickie Sitting

Miss Ada

Miss Ada