
Chickie Sitting

Chickie Sitting

Given that both Chickie Parents are infected with the travel bug, it was only the matter of time before we pawned our darling little chicks off to go out of town for a long weekend. Fuzzy little chicks are easy to find a sitter for, especially when their grandparents, auntie, uncle, and cousins are all relatively close!

Chickie Momma *may* have gone a tad overboard, but nothing more than the standard protocol for leaving her two cats with the sitter, unless you factor in the journal and nightly FaceTime requests. Yep. Facetiming with chickens.

Please stop rolling your eyes, and stick with reading the post...

For those who have raised chickens before I know you can relate. One day they're fuzzy chicks and within 2 more days they are rowdy toddlers, and then overnight they are awkward teenagers. Don’t blink or you’ll have mini chickens on your hands! Given the age range of our girls, the OGs (Original Girls: Mae & Amelia) were well into their awkward phase with the Middles (Gerty & Vera) right behind them, while the Littles (Ada and Nettie) still adorable fuzzy things were growing before our eyes. The thought of missing 4 full days? It just killed us!

Our sitters rocked! The girls were spoiled with attention, treats, and free range time. Unfortunatly, despite daily picture updates and FaceTime chats they still came home as 3 mini chickens (complete with chicken clucks) and 3 sporting the awkward ("stayed out too late") look. They also had a strong aversion to their brooder after all their laps around the kitchen island and free range ability in a house with no natural predators.

Dinner conversation around the table on the night of their return consisted of reading through their journal and the entries did not disappoint! Some of the highlights included:

  • Ada is a zippy little critter. 
  • they could FaceTime. What a show! There was flapping, flying, and chirping all over the kitchen. 
  • Gerty was a shining star today and got some really good height (off of the ground) in flight today.  
  • When Heihei “crowed” all the girls got quiet... 
  • Nettie can outrun the Grandma and even gave auntie the slip a time or two.
  • We are anxious to show Mom our new skills!  

The girls are quickly turning into our Little Ladies, but they provide lots of entertainment and need sitters when Chickie Parents leave town. Eventually they're be able to thank you with fresh eggs, but until then, we'll continue to cover our little freeloaders. Luckily, they will be in the coop before too long which will significantly reduce the daily attention required. If you're in our area and willing to sit for us, drop us a line!

Learning From Our Experience: Hatch Dates

Learning From Our Experience: Hatch Dates

Miss Nettie

Miss Nettie