
Miss Gerty

Miss Gerty


Gerty "Lithium" Welsummer

Hatched 12 March 2018

Gerty joined our brood as the store's replacement for #3. If bringing home a few day old chick is intimidating, bringing home a replacement for one that didn't make it is even more of a challenge. Our little 3.5 may have received a little extra TLC during her first 48 hours from her Chickie Parents and her sisters.

Growing a tad slower than her hatch day twin, Gerty is often spotted with the youngest acting like a babysitter investigating all of the flecks of bedding, food, fuzz on the brooder walls. Incredibly docile she lets you hold her, but that doesn't mean she wants to hold still- she has places to check out!

Exploring the Coop

Exploring the Coop

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