
Miss Vera

Miss Vera

Vera "Beryllium" Barred Plymouth Rock

Hatched 12 March 2018

Picking out a chick from a group that looks healthy, is a decent size, and has great markings is a challenge, especially if someone else is also trying to make their pick as the group runs from side to side trying to evade the hand of the ever patient supply store employee. With Chickie 4 (along with #3) picked, they headed home to meet their sisters. Miss Amelia hopped in the carrier to greet them and chipped what must have been "Hi, I'm Amelia. Welcome to our family."

Maybe it was the short time with just the three of them, but Vera loves her older sisters! Vera loves following Mae onto the high perch to watch the rest of the crazies run around. She often sleeps in the same area as Mae and Amelia. Her yellow legs are slightly marbled and so cute, but she's onto our slight obsession and likes to sit hiding them from us. She's a little camera shy, but the first chick to snuggle up with her Chickie Parents.  

Miss Gerty

Miss Gerty

Chickie #3

Chickie #3